Started in 1993, Estudis Arqueològics collection is a series of annual publications for an expert public who deal with subjects on Archaeology. First nine volumes have been published on paper with no regularity, but from tenth one (2017) the series became on-line and annually.

Main aim of the collection is to publish original and non-edited research works with a medium length, about 50-100 pages. Thus, it offers authors the chance of bringing out the results of those researches that, without having the amount of information necessary for editing a long monograph, are not conditioned by the constrictions required by usual scientific journals. Studies about archaeological subjects in a broad and diverse sense –both chronological and geographic– are welcome. In order to guarantee scientific quality and rigor, received proposals are passed to a peer review. Reading of accepted and published contributions is fully open.

Monographs published

Information for



Works must be submitted exclusively through the following link



Laboratori d'Arqueologia i Prehistòria

Plaça Ferrater Mora, 1 - 17004 Girona

Tel. 972 41 81 59


Contact US

Parc Científic i Tecnològic de la UdG.
Edifici Giroempren - Despatx A1.18.
C/ Pic de Peguera 11. 17003, Girona (Espanya)


Tel. +34 902 44 00 12 | Fax +34 972 18 34 57