«Visch de mon treball y seguint los amos». Francesos i treballadors a la Catalunya de mas (bisbat de Girona, ss. XVI-XVII)

Barquer i Cerdà, Arnau
ISBN/ISSN: 9788499846606 Colection:Estudis n° pags: 268 Idioma: cat

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Occitan immigration is one of the characteristic phenomena of the Catalan modern age. The proliferation of French in a multitude of public and private records and documents gives an idea of the magnitude that this migratory current acquired during the modern centuries. Through parish and notarial records and the hitherto unpublished books of Dispensations of Proclamations, this book examines the impact and characteristics of Occitan immigration in the bishopric of Girona during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and interrogates both the underlying causes that generated the attraction of immigrants as well as its consequences in the agrarian society of the Girona counties, paradigmatic of the Catalonia of «mas».

Barquer i Cerdà, Arnau (Autor)

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