Natura i espiritualitat a Catalunya

Gordi Serrat, Josep
ISBN/ISSN: 9788499842189 Colection:Documenta n° pags: 150 Idioma: cat

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What the reader will find between these pages is not, nor mystical scientific book, but a gentle push, a slight sparkle, a bite that reveals the movement, hunger to get close to nature otherwise. Raimon Panikkar, one of the most important philosophers and metaphysicians Catalonia has given to the world in the last century, tells us that nature is one of the places where the common man can be more deeply with the divine mystery, and adds that the natural place where the experience of God, which is the total experience of anyone.nnBasically, what development the author, is to reveal something that is stuck in our consciousness and generate a desire, the desire that Parenda to live our environment differently, ie with a wider look, with a smile , familiarity with other ...n n

Gordi Serrat, Josep (Autor)

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