La història dels llenguatges iberoromànics d’especialitat (segles XVII-XIX).

Brumme, Jenny
ISBN/ISSN: 9788492707485 Colection:Publicacions de l'Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA) / Activitats n° pags: Idioma: cat,spa,por
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The solutions in the creation of terminologies anf of specialized text types that can be obtained from other times can guide the solutions that may be proposed nowadays, and can contribute to the harmonization of current models. The published studies and state- of-the-art articles during the last years show the importance of the historical treatment in this field, that was not carried out until now for Romance and Basque languages. Taking this situation into consideration , the colloquium La història dels llenguatges iberoromànics d’especialitat (segles XVII-XIX). Solucions per al present was organized, and the results are presented in this volumen.n

Brumme, Jenny (Autor)

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