Jaume Serra Húnter. L’obra estroncada

5.77 - 24.04Price without VAT


Jaume Serra Húnter (Manresa, 1878 - Cuernava, 1943) is a very remarkable public figure in modern Catalan history. During the turbulent 1930s, he held important posts both in the academic sphere (dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, rector of the University of Barcelona) and in the political and social sphere (member of parliament, president of the Catalan Parliament, councillor of Culture for Barcelona, president of the Catalan Section of the International Red Aid, etc.). With the defeat of the Republican side, he had to go into exile, first in France, then in Mexico. In the book you have in your hands, the public figure of Serra Húnter is examined, recalled and remembered. At the same time, however, the chapters that comprise it deal with the philosophical themes in which he took part and, above all, emphasize the decisive contribution that Serra Húnter made to the consolidation of Catalan philosophy in the first third of the twentieth century.

Vergés Gifra, Joan (Autor)
Vergés Gifra, Joan (Edició de la col·lecció a càrrec de)
Ponsatí-Murlà, Oriol (Autor)
Ponsatí-Murlà, Oriol (Editor literari)
Pérez Múñoz, Max (Autor)
Pérez Múñoz, Max (Editor literari)
Terricabras Nogueras, Josep Maria (Autor)
Serra Labrado, Xavier (Autor)
Alcoberro Pericay, Ramon (Autor)
Cuscó i Clarasó, Joan (Autor)
Monserrat Molas, Josep (Autor)
Serra Puche, Mari Carmen (Autor)
Roviró Alemany, Ignasi (Autor)
Vilanou i Torrano, Conrad (Autor)

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