Estudis de Lexicografia 2003-2005

ISBN/ISSN: 9788492707638 Colection:Publicacions de l'Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA) / Activitats n° pags: 322 Idioma: cat,spa

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This volume collects the works presented in all four of Lexicography Conference held at the Institute for Applied Linguistics between 2003 and 2005. The Conference was conceived as a space where they could cross with the different ways in which advances in lexicography today. A trait that since their origin is defined plurality: plurality issues have been addressed since the lexicographic representation of information on issues related to Grammatical processing of figurative uses, diversity in participants, including both lexicographers the publishing world and the world of research, plurality, also in the type of dictionaries that have received attention: school, bilingual, historical, general, etc.

Bernal Gallén, Elisenda (Editor del volum)
Torner Castells, Sergi (Editor del volum)
DeCesaris Ward, Janet (Editor del volum)

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