Epistolari de Pere Alsius i Torrent

Alsius i Torrent, Pere
ISBN/ISSN: 9788499846033 Colection:Uncategorized n° pags: 1352 Idioma: cat
1.50 - 76.92Price without VAT


The Epistolary of Pere Alsius i Torrent, the result of the efforts of a team of seven specialists, is a step forward in documenting the life and work of this pioneering historian and scientist, discoverer of the famous jawbone of Banyoles and author of the historical essay on the town of Banyoles and the Magdalenense of the province of Girona. This is the third step forward after the two monographic notebooks published by the Centre d'Estudis Comarcals de Banyoles in 1987 and 2016. This edition represents an advance in the knowledge of the personal aspects (character, thought, projects and works), family (ascendants, relatives, economic aspects), social (mentors, friends and collaborators), corporate (academic societies and excursionists) and professional aspects of the character. It also provides information on fossil finds and archaeological and natural history objects that never saw print, as well as on the Bolós (Quaternary mammals) and Chia (fossil and present-day molluscs) collections.

The reader will find in the prologue the development of all these topics, with the addition of the results of a research aimed at filling a resounding void: that of the posterity of Pere Alsius, which includes the management of his centenary legacy, the public recognition of his work as a historian, naturalist and archaeologist, and the history of the other Alsius pharmacies that his descendants opened in different parts of the world.

Alsius i Torrent, Pere (Autor)
Abellan i Manonellas, Joan Anton (Editor literari)
Aragonès Valls, Enric (Editor literari)
Aragonès Valls, Enric (Coordinació editorial de)
Aragonès Valls, Enric (Introducció de)
Butinyà Jiménez, Júlia (Editor literari)
Galofré i Illamola-Simal, Jordi (Editor literari)
Grabuleda Sitjà, Josep (Editor literari)
Soler i Masferrer, Narcís (Editor literari)
Soler i Masferrer, Narcís (Director de l'equip editorial)
Vergés Gifra, Àngel (Editor literari)
Maroto Genover, Julià (Director de l'equip editorial)

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