El repte de la gestió dels espais naturals protegits en el context actual

ISBN/ISSN: 9788499842639 Colection:Quaderns de Medi Ambient n° pags: 128 Idioma: cat,eng
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The protection of natural areas through various legal forms has been a constant since the 1990s, the result of protectionist demands and the growing interest in political and social agendas. The protection of natural areas implies a management consensus if possible by various public and private stakeholders, following the approval of relevant management plans. This protection and especially the subsequent management, is funded primarily by public authorities. However, the economic situation in recent years poses an uncertain future for many protected natural spaces of our house. That is why, to this publication, several examples, initiatives and proposals, from here and elsewhere in Europe that will hopefully arise, could be helpful for the proper management of our natural areas in the future.n

Ribas Palom, Anna (Editor del volum)
Feliu Latorre, Ponç (Editor del volum)

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