El país de las carpas

Soto Abarca, Karinna
ISBN/ISSN: 9788499846866 Colection:Horizonte de sucesos n° pags: 190 Idioma: spa
5.77 - 21.15Price without VAT


‘This is a dazzling book.For me, at least, it has dazzled me.And I have been reading all kinds of texts on poverty and the poor, exclusion and the excluded for more than half a century. It brings us closer to the faces and names of concrete people, active subjects and protagonists of their own biography. No one who feels Chilean or loves Chile can be indifferent to the human landscape that is shown to us through this privileged window that Karinna Soto has opened for all of us’, says Pedro Cabrera in the foreword.

This edition, the fruit of a collaboration between Chile and Spain, transcends geographical borders to touch the universal from the deeply personal. With a fresh and intimate voice, this collection of chronicles invites us to explore the depths of modern human life, building a bridge between individual and collective longings. It does not promise a comfortable journey, but it does promise a journey capable of transforming outlooks.podem esperar uns dies a fer la comanda? o això és una oferta que expiració?

Also find it in our international shops: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, México, USA.
Soto Abarca, Karinna (Autor)

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