Public management as a modernising element of public administration is one of the key elements of the Nova Gestió Pública (NGP, New Public Management). This figure was introduced in the local public administration of Catalunya through regional management, a compulsory organ, professionalized and non-elected, to which was delegated the management of services and of regional administration, executive functions which until then exclusively belonged to elect organs in the local ordinary regime. The incorporation and adaptation of the organization and management tools of the private world to the public organizations represents a challenge in the modernization and in the new efficiency aims of the public institutions. This book collects the empiric research about the expansion of the managerial model in public organizations (the local associations) especially favourable with its adoption and shows it to be much more limited than would be expected from the dominant speech. The study develops an analysis model of the expansion of managerialism from identification of the Regional Director's management functions in the management organs of the local Catalan associations, which have the organizational autonomy that is necessary to incorporate the manager. The research analyses not only the statutory reality, but also the real functioning of all the local Catalan associations.