This work brings together a set of experiences based on the practice of socio-educational intervention in the field of drug addiction. It includes twenty-three real case reports, written by thirty co-authors: twenty-one social education professionals and seven specialists from other disciplines such as nursing, medicine, psychology, social work, psychopedagogy or teaching. It also incorporates the experiences of two people who do not write from a professional perspective, but who bring personal experiences.
The objective of this whole set of efforts is to help fill an existing gap in the field of publications in the discipline of social education, and to provide knowledge about a work both widespread and unknown: the intervention in people suffering from drug addictions.
Paper version in catalan, here.Paper version in spanish, here.
Sedó Luzuriaga, Carles (pròleg de)
Planas Lladó, Anna (Nota introductora de)
Calvo García, Fran (Autor)
Calvo García, Fran (Coordinació editorial de)
Calvo García, Fran (Prefaci de)
Marco Mascarell, Anna (Autor)
Capità i Flores, Ferran (Autor)
Serra Moreno, Arnau (Autor)
Fàbregas Ruano, Carles (Autor)
Flecha Romero, Celeste (Autor)
Rives Roura, Clara (Autor)
Giralt Vázquez, Cristina (Autor)
Martinez Plaza, Esther (Autor)
Bacardí Garcia, Eva (Autor)
Pardos Crespo, Eva (Autor)
Maudes Rosselló, Gemma (Autor)
Grabuleda Paredes, Joan (Autor)
Morillo Vera, Jordi (Autor)
Jiménez Barahona, Lidia (Autor)
Badia Gorchs, Marc (Autor)
Morales Cama, Marc (Autor)
Ramírez Vilà, Marisa (Autor)
García Tirado, Marta (Autor)
Kadri Manssouri, Mustapha (Autor)
Bota Mas, Núria (Autor)
Jiménez Vinaja, Raúl (Autor)
Fernández García, Samuel (Autor)
Basas Vilaseca, Sílvia (Autor)
Farreny Terrado, Maria Teresa (Autor)
Ballabriga Córdoba, Thais (Autor)