Miscellany on the Rural World in the Roman Period

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Issue 13 of the monographic collection Studies on the Rural World in the Roman Period is a miscellany resulting from several conferences held at the University of Pau et des Pays de Adour, at the Musée villa gallo-romaine de Loupian and at the Archaeological Museum of Banyoles between 2019 and 2022. It is for this reason that, unlike previous issues, there is no monographic theme that brings together the different research works that were exhibited. In this case, the point of union is the same as that of the collection: the rural world of Roman times.

Burch i Rius, Josep (Autor)
Burch i Rius, Josep (Curatela de)
Forn Perramon, Clara (Autor)
Frigola Torrent, Joan (Autor)
Tremoleda i Trilla, Joaquim (Autor)
Castanyer i Masoliver, Pere (Autor)
Costa Solé, Ana (Autor)
Vivó i Codina, David (Autor)
Palahí Grimal, Lluís (Autor)
Bouzas Sabater, Marc (Autor)
Dumas‐Lattaque, Pierre (Autor)
Scrinzi, Maxime (Autor)
Flaux, Clément (Autor)
Djerbi, Hatem (Autor)
Vaschalde, Christophe (Autor)
Tillier, Margaux (Autor)
Caballero, Nathalie (Autor)
Doyen, Élise (Autor)
Malignas, Adrien (Autor)

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