
This book is a tribute to Montserrat Batllori by colleagues and colleagues on the occasion of her retirement, in gratitude for all that she has given us throughout her academic career. The title of the work, «Linguistica sine finibus», i.e. linguistics without frontiers, is intended to highlight the open conception that has characterised both her research and her teaching in the field of linguistics. The volume, which brings together twenty-one works linked to the different areas of study to which Batllori has devoted his career, is structured around the following thematic axes: (i) geolectal variation and Romance variants, (ii) diachronic variation, (iii) language history, (iv) argument structure: theory and applications, and (v) corpus analysis. The originality of the contributions and the diversity of theoretical and methodological frameworks employed make this volume a work of great scientific relevance for the study of language from all its aspects, while at the same time reflecting the transversality of the honoree.

Gibert Sotelo, Elisabeth (Editor literari)
Gibert Sotelo, Elisabeth (pròleg de)
Gibert Sotelo, Elisabeth (Autor)
Pujol Payet, Isabel (Editor literari)
Pujol Payet, Isabel (Introducció de)
Pujol Payet, Isabel (pròleg de)
Pujol Payet, Isabel (Autor)
Rost Bagudanch, Assumpció (Editor literari)
Rost Bagudanch, Assumpció (pròleg de)
Rost Bagudanch, Assumpció (Autor)
Tro Morató, Teresa de Jesús (Autor)
Tro Morató, Teresa de Jesús (Editor literari)
Hernanz, Maria Lluïsa (Introducció de)
Hernanz, Maria Lluïsa (Autor)
Llach Carles, Sílvia (Prefaci de)
Llach Carles, Sílvia (Autor)
Acedo Matellán, Víctor (Autor)
Ferrerós Pagès, Carla (Autor)
Roca Urgell, Francesc (Autor)
Hill, Virginia (Autor)
Mare, María (Autor)
Martins, Ana Maria (Autor)
Sánchez Lancis, Carlos E. (Autor)
Lee, Tristan (Autor)
Sitaridou, Ioanna (Autor)
Bartra i Kaufmann, Anna (Autor)
Buenafuentes de la Mata, Cristina (Autor)
Massanell i Messalles, Mar (Autor)
Pérez Saldanya, Manuel (Autor)
Rigau Oliver, Gemma (Autor)
Wolfsgruber, Anne C. (Autor)
Bargalló Escrivà, Maria (Autor)
Iglésias Franch, Narcís (Autor)
Gavarró Algueró, Anna (Autor)
Jo Galí, Sergi (Autor)
Mateu Fontanals, Jaume (Autor)
Royo Bieto, Carles (Autor)
Clavería Nadal, Gloria (Autor)
García Rodríguez, Joseph (Autor)
Prat Sabater, Marta (Autor)
Julià Luna, Carolina (Autor)
Lleal Galceran, Coloma (Autor)
Torruella i Casañas, Joan (Autor)

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