Informe cens de professionals en l’àmbit de la joventut 2008

ISBN/ISSN: 9788492707881 Colection:Documenta n° pags: 138 Idioma: cat

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The aim of the investigation that follows is the elaboration of a census and an analysis of the professionals who devote their main activity in the field of youth policy in any town in Catalonia on their own (self-employment or sole proprietorship ) or self-employment, in any administration, public or private institution, association or private entity, and any of the legal forms provided for by current legislation, through the exercise of any work or paid work that can be included in this sector, irrespective of the level of technical survey or professional category will be recognized. n

Associació Catalana de Professionals de les Polítiques de Joventut (Editor del volum)


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