Ilustrados y franciscanos

La iconografía de los indios amazónicos en el Perú del siglo XVIII
Sala i Vila, Núria
ISBN/ISSN: 9788499845586 DOI: Colection:Papers de l’Institut de Recerca Històrica (IRH) n° pags: 258 Idioma: spa
5.77 - 26.92Price without VAT


How was the alterity of the ethnic groups of the Amazon in eighteenth century Peru built? This book looks for the answer in the iconography of the indigenous people of the Amazonian lands. To investigate the intentionality and degree of realism of those who portrayed the people of the jungle, the documentary body of which they were part is meticulously reconstructed, to propose that the representations of the Indians arose from a narrative and analytical project conceived as a complementary trilogy. —Text, map, and images. Enlightened officials and intellectuals, from the exploration or the cabinet, and the Franciscans with missionary objectives traveled the rivers Ucayali, Amazonas and some of their tributaries imbued with new and old scientific or scholastic budgets, fixing their attention on the people of the imperial confines to describe them, classify them or convert and reduce them. The Bourbon policy in order to strengthen the control of its borders and assimilate non-subject groups, allowed to visualize and disseminate in Peru, the Peninsula and Europe among readers eager to know the singularities of the jungle and its people.

Sala i Vila, Núria (Autor)

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