Entre la vida i la mort

Verdaguer i Turró, Miquel / Riera i Torras, M. Farners
ISBN/ISSN: 9788499840826 Colection:Bios n° pags: 118 Idioma: cat

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This book consists of two distinct parts. In the first, the authors show the results of literature review and update the Permanent Vegetative State seen from different points of view (religious, medical, philosophical bioethics, etc.) The second part includes a quantitative aspect which makes a estimate of the prevalence of PVD in the Girona Health Region, and a second qualitative aspect, which sets out the questionnaire posed to the relatives of patients. In this dialogue with the families derive a whole set of emerging issues that lead the authors and interviewees to issues such as death with dignity, the advance directive, limiting therapy, religion and other aspects related to the theme the study.

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