Why publish with Documenta Universitaria?
Les obres de caràcter acadèmic, dirigides a un lector especialitzat, no poden assumir un gran tiratge. Si només es publiquen els exemplars de cada obra que es requereixen en el moment, s’eviten inversions innecessàries i també que quedin en estoc exemplars sobrers que, finalment, i després d’haver assumit els costos de producció i d’emmagatzemament, s’acostuma destruir.
Documenta Universitaria drastically reduces production costs and can offer high quality books at very attractive prices.
Documenta Universitaria only prints the copies the market requires, but can reprint the title as many times as necessary at any time. Furthermore, it offers the option of publishing the work in an electronic book, or ebook format; in this way, through the safe transaction of the electronic document, the worldwide sale of the work without delivery costs is made possible.
With the system of printing on demand, all works are catalogued and promoted in specialised circles so they are appropriately known about and requested.