This is a book written by many hands: Vicenç Altaió, Maria Josep Balsach, Eugeni Bonet, Lluís Calvo, Anna Carreras Aubets, Antoni Clapés, Eduard Escoffet, Francesc Gelonch, Manuel Guerrero Brullet, Carles Hac Mor, Miguel Ángel Marín Ribes, Dolors Miquel , Margalida Pons, Joaquim Sala-Sanahuja, Josep M. Sala-Valldaura and Ester Xargay. A diverse, inflamed and choral book. As Carles Hac Mor says in the " Dietari del pic de l’estiu ", “Si tu tens fred, jo puc tenir calor. / Tinc una llar de foc a l’aixella esquerra / i a prop del cor un feix de nervis em fa nosa” (" If you have cold, I can have heat. / I have a chimney in the left armpit / and near the heart one nervousness hurt me ").