
While the associations sought to have a social place, their own home and give it the architectural and functional uniqueness that collective resources allowed, the centers often had library, coffee, theater, meeting rooms, recreation spaces , and all this as a whole determined the formation of a physical and spiritual, material and immaterial heritage that we wanted to capture. Individual and group attempts had been made in the lands of the south and also in the lands of the north; we had to do the synthesis and lay the foundations for the subsequent systematization of this information and we decided to do so in Girona, associating the research groups of the Rovira i Virgili University and those of the University of Girona through the 'Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural. Thus, in Girona, on October 27, 2017 we began to analyze in an incipient way the patrimonial aspects of sociability spaces.
This volume, which is only a first stone, aspires to lay the foundations for subsequent studies that systematise the heritage analysis for the entire territory of Catalonia. We are pleased to publicize the work presented during that session and aspire to continue exploring this initiatory path.

Duch Plana, Montserrat (Autor)
Duch Plana, Montserrat (Editor literari)
Nadal i Farreras, Joaquim (Autor)
Nadal i Farreras, Joaquim (Editor literari)
Nadal i Farreras, Joaquim (Introducció de)
Arnabat Mata, Ramon (Autor)
Ferré Trill, Xavier (Autor)
Solà i Gussinyer, Pere (Autor)
Barrull Pelegrí, Jaume (Autor)
Cao Costoya, David (Autor)
Dalmau i Ribalta, Antoni (Autor)
Gil Tort, Rosa Maria (Autor)
Domènech Casadevall, Gemma (Autor)
Alcázar Serrat, Ivan (Autor)
Ramon Graells, Antoni (Autor)

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