Guia del pla d’acció tutorial dels estudis de desenvolupament humà a la societat de la informació i psicologia

Villar Hoz, Esperanza / Font-Mayolas, Silvia
ISBN/ISSN: 9788496742222 Colection:UdG Publicacions n° pags: 266 Idioma: cat

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This document is a proposal arising from the Tutorial Action Plan (PAT) elaborated in the Facultat d’Educació i Psicologia de la Universitat de Girona during the academic year 2005-2006.nThe introduction of a new title of Human Development to the Society of Information (DHSI), on the basis of the first existing cycle of the study of Psychology and with the specific goal of adapting to the Superior European Education Space (EEES), has provided a context for the analysis and the revision of the formative goals of both qualifications and of the educational practices that are intended to be promoted. The PAT is the result of this process of analysis. n

Villar Hoz, Esperanza (Autor)
Font-Mayolas, Silvia (Autor)


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