Governança de la sostenibilitat i el canvi climàtic en l’àmbit local

ISBN/ISSN: 9788499841687 Colection:Quaderns de Medi Ambient n° pags: 150 Idioma: cat,eng
1.50 - 22.12Price without VAT


In September 2011, held in Girona the eleventh edition of the International Summer School on the Environment (ISSE). This time, the theme of the school was the governance of sustainability and climate change at the local level, and as central raised the following points:nGenerate a showcase of good practice in sustainable development governance at local and regional levels.Address policies, instruments and research in the fight against climate change at the local level and regional level.Transfer knowledge and experiences among the different actors involved in sustainable development at local and regional levels: academic and research, university students, political representatives of the local world, municipal and county, business and environmental professionals and groups environmentalists.

Castañer i Vivas, Margarita (Editor del volum)
Nuss Girona, Sergi (Editor del volum)


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